American History



The American History Committee promotes the awareness and study of American history through activities that honor historically significant people, places, dates, and events.

The committee’s major efforts are the two annual essay contests it sponsors—the American History Essay Contest and the Patriots of the American Revolution DAR High School Essay Contest (details below). This committee also encourages chapters to promote awareness of American history in other ways, such as honoring notable women in American history; scheduling chapter programs on historical topics and persons; displaying American history posters in schools, libraries, and public buildings; and recognizing students for outstanding work in American history.

Essay Contests

Both the American History Essay Contest and the Patriots of the American Revolution DAR High School Essay Contest are open to children in public, private, or parochial schools, and those who are home-schooled. Contests are conducted without regard to entrants’ race, religion, sex, or national origin. The National Committee website contains resources, reading lists, supplies, and rules under each Essay Contest’s page. The rules for the essays must be followed exactly as prescribed—including the cover page, bibliography, word count, and type specifications (font, color, and size)—as noted on the Judge’s Form for each contest.

Judging at the chapter level is by three judges, at least one of whom is non-DAR. Judging at other levels is by three non-DAR judges.

For both contests, chapters need to receive their entries by November 15, 2022, and send their winners to their District Chairman for further judging by December 15, 2022. District winners must be received by the State Chairman by January 15, 2023.

The topics for next year’s essay contests should be announced in the early Spring which will give chapter chairmen plenty of time to contact their schools and let the teachers know so that they can include the essay contests in their planning for the fall semester.

American History Essay Contest

This contest is open to students in 5-8 grades. The 2022-2023 Essay Theme is “The Second Continental Congress met from May 10, 1775 – March 1, 1781 and included delegates from all 13 colonies. This Congress was instrumental in shaping what was to become the United States of America. Imagine that you are a delegate during 1775-1776 Second Continental Congress. Which colony are you from and that will be important for you to accomplish for your colony?

Qualifying entries from fifth grade students run from 300 to 600 words; sixth, seventh, and eighth grade entries, from 600 to 1000 words.

Chapters may award a Bronze Medal and certificate to one winner in each grade (a total of four), and may give all entrants a Certificate of Participation. These items are available through the DAR Store.

Patriots of the American Revolution DAR High School Essay Contest
This essay is open to students in 9-12 grades. The 2022/2023 Essay Contest topic is: “Select a figure from the era of theAmerican Revolution (1773-1783). Discuss how he or she influenced the course of the American Revolution, who he or she was and his/her contribution to the founding of a new nation. Figures may be any person, whether a well-known figure or an everyday man, woman, or child who supported the American Revolution in ways large or small.” The title of the essay should be the name of the Patriot.

The essay length is from 800 to 1,200 words.

Chapters select only one essay as the winner but may give all participants in the contest a Patriots of the American Revolution DAR High School Essay Certificate, available at the DAR Store. For their one winner, chapters may request a winning certificate free through the Office of the Historian General (send requests to

Women in American History

Chapters, consider honoring a notable woman or women, alive or not, in your community or state—women who have made a contribution or difference in their communities through intellectual, educational, social, religious, cultural, scientific, or political endeavors. Honor these women by recognizing them at chapter meetings, inviting them to be your guest speakers, or honoring them with Women in American History certificates (available at the DAR Store). This is a good opportunity for seeking media coverage, as well.

Each chapter that honors a woman is asked to submit a 100-word (maximum) report about her, with a photo, if available. The report form is available on the Women in American History webpage ( Reports may be sent throughout the year to the American History State Chairman, but the final deadline for this reporting year is April 1, 2023. Electronic reports are preferred.

Friends of American History Pin

The Friends of American History fund provides for cash awards and any other prizes for the American History Essay Contest and the Patriots of the American Revolution DAR High School Essay Contest. A donation of $100 to the fund allows the donor to become a Friend of American History and to buy the pin from the DAR Insignia Store.

Please read through the relevant American History Committee information on the NSDAR website, the National Information Packet (NIP), the Virginia Information Packet (VIP), and the "Virginia View" for a complete guide to the committee’s work. Resources, forms and supplies are available on the National Committee webpages.

Contact State Chair Jennifer M. Hopkins for more information.