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Our 125 chapters are divided into nine districts. Click on the stars in the interactive map below to learn more about each chapter. Chapters are also listed below by City, Chapter, and District. Click on chapter names to view their website or to send an email.
By City
Abingdon Black’s Fort
Alexandria Dr. Elisha Dick
Alexandria John Alexander
Alexandria Kate Waller Barrett
Alexandria Mount Vernon
Altavista Colonel Charles Lynch
Amherst Amherst
Annandale Henry Clay
Arlington Arlington House
Arlington Pentagon
Arlington Thomas Nelson
Beaverdam Scotchtown
Bedford Peaks of Otter
Blacksburg Alleghany
Bluemont Ketoctin
Bristol Fort Chiswell
Cape Charles Northampton County
Centreville Lane’s Mill
Charlottesville Albemarle
Charlottesville Jack Jouett
Charlottesville Shadwell
Chesapeake Chesapeake
Chester Bermuda Hundred
Chesterfield Chesterfield Courthouse
Clintwood Sandy Basin
Culpeper Culpeper Minute Men
Dale City Prince William Resolves
Danville Dorothea Henry
Eagle Rock Botetourt County
Fairfax Thomas Lee
Fairfax Station Providence
Falls Church Falls Church
Falmouth Falls of the Rappahannock
Farmville Judith Randolph-Longwood
Floyd Floyd Courthouse
Fork Union Point of Fork
Fredericksburg Mine Run
Fredericksburg Washington-Lewis
Gate City Carter’s Fort
Gibson Station Major George Gibson
Glasgow Natural Bridge Frontier
Gloucester Augustine Warner
Grundy Levisa River
Hampton Hampton
Harrisonburg Massanutton
Haymarket Phillis Wheatley
Hillsville Appalachian Trail
Kenbridge William Taylor
King George Leedstown Resolutions
Lancaster Cobbs Hall
Lebanon Tabitha Adams Russell
Louisa Louisa Courthouse
Lynchburg Blue Ridge
Lynchburg James River
Lynchburg Lynchburg
Lynchburg Poplar Forest
Madison Montpelier
Manassas Elizabeth McIntosh Hammill
Marion Royal Oak
Martinsville General Joseph Martin
Martinsville Patrick Henry
Mathews Cricket Hill
McLean Freedom Hill
Midlothian Midlothian Mines
Mount Vernon Nelly Custis
New Castle Craig Valley
Newport News Newport News-Warwick
Norfolk Great Bridge
Onancock Eastern Shore of Virginia
Pearisburg George Pearis
Pennington Gap Lovelady
Petersburg Colonel John Banister
Petersburg Frances Bland Randolph
Poquoson Charles Parish
Portsmouth Fort Nelson
Pulaski Count Pulaski
Purcellville Mary Hemings Bell
Radford General William Campbell
Reston Cameron Parish
Reston Elizabeth Monroe
Richmond Chancellor Wythe
Richmond Commonwealth
Richmond Nathaniel Bacon
Richmond Old Dominion
Richmond William Byrd
Roanoke Colonel William Preston
Roanoke General James Breckinridge
Roanoke Nancy Christian Fleming
Rocky Mount Virginia’s Old Carolina Road
Salem Fort Lewis
Shenandoah Shenandoah River
Smithfield Colonel William Allen
South Boston Berryman Green
Spotsylvania Spotsylvania
Springfield Anna Maria Fitzhugh
Stafford Overwharton Parish
Staunton Augusta Parish
Staunton Beverley Manor
Staunton Colonel Thomas Hughart
Sterling Stone Bridge
St. Julien's Creek Annex Four Flags
Stuart Colonel Abram Penn
Suffolk Constantia
Tappahannock Henricopolis
Tazewell Fort Maiden Spring
Vienna Fairfax County
Vienna Maria Mitchell
Vinton Roanoke Valley
Virginia Beach Adam Thoroughgood
Virginia Beach Francis Land
Virginia Beach Lynnhaven Parish
Virginia Beach Princess Anne County
Yorktown Comte de Grasse
Warrenton Fauquier Court House
Waynesboro Colonel James Patton
West Point Old St. John's Church
West Springfield George Mason
Williamsburg Ann Wager
Williamsburg Williamsburg
Winchester Fort Loudoun
Woodbridge Bill of Rights
Woodstock Narrow Passage
Wytheville Stuart-Wilderness Road
By Chapter Name
Adam Thoroughgood Virginia Beach
Albemarle Charlottesville
Alleghany Blacksburg
Amherst Amherst
Ann Wager Williamsburg
Anna Maria Fitzhugh Springfield
Appalachian Trail Hillsville
Arlington House Arlington
Augusta Parish Staunton
Augustine Warner Gloucester
Bermuda Hundred Chester
Berryman Green South Boston
Beverley Manor Staunton
Bill of Rights Woodbridge
Black’s Fort Abingdon
Blue Ridge Lynchburg
Botetourt County Eagle Rock
Cameron Parish Reston
Carter’s Fort Gate City
Chancellor Wythe Richmond
Charles Parish Poquoson
Chesapeake Chesapeake
Chesterfield Courthouse Chesterfield
Cobbs Hall Lancaster
Colonel Abram Penn Stuart
Colonel Charles Lynch Altavista
Colonel James Patton Waynesboro
Colonel John Banister Petersburg
Colonel Thomas Hughart Staunton
Colonel William Allen Smithfield
Colonel William Preston Roanoke
Commonwealth Richmond
Comte de Grasse Yorktown
Constantia Suffolk
Count Pulaski Pulaski
Craig Valley New Castle
Cricket Hill Mathews
Culpeper Minute Men Culpeper
Dorothea Henry Danville
Dr. Elisha Dick Alexandria
Eastern Shore of Virginia Onancock
Elizabeth McIntosh Hammill Manassas
Elizabeth Monroe Reston
Fairfax County Vienna
Falls Church Falls Church
Falls of the Rappahannock Falmouth
Fauquier Court House Warrenton
Floyd Courthouse Floyd
Fort Chiswell Bristol
Fort Lewis Salem
Fort Loudoun Winchester
Fort Maiden Spring Tazewell
Fort Nelson Portsmouth
Four Flags St. Julien's Creek Annex
Frances Bland Randolph Petersburg
Francis Land Virginia Beach
Freedom Hill McLean
General James Breckinridge Roanoke
General Joseph Martin Martinsville
General William Campbell Radford
George Mason West Springfield
George Pearis Pearisburg
Great Bridge Norfolk
Hampton Hampton
Henricopolis Tappahannock
Henry Clay Annandale
Jack Jouett Charlottesville
James River Lynchburg
John Alexander Alexandria
Judith Randolph-Longwood Farmville
Kate Waller Barrett Alexandria
Ketoctin Bluemont
Lane’s Mill Centreville
Leedstown Resolutions King George
Levisa River Grundy
Louisa Courthouse Louisa
Lovelady Pennington Gap
Lynchburg Lynchburg
Lynnhaven Parish Virginia Beach
Major George Gibson Gibson Station
Maria Mitchell Vienna
Mary Hemings Bell Purcellville
Massanutton Harrisonburg
Midlothian Mines Midlothian
Mine Run Fredericksburg
Montpelier Madison
Mount Vernon Alexandria
Nancy Christian Fleming Roanoke
Narrow Passage Woodstock
Nathaniel Bacon Richmond
Natural Bridge Frontier Glasgow
Nelly Custis Mount Vernon
Newport News-Warwick Newport News
Northampton County Cape Charles
Old Dominion Richmond
Old St. John's Church West Point
Overwharton Parish Stafford
Patrick Henry Martinsville
Peaks of Otter Bedford
Pentagon Arlington
Phillis Wheatley Haymarket
Point of Fork Fork Union
Poplar Forest Lynchburg
Prince William Resolves Dale City
Princess Anne County Virginia Beach
Providence Fairfax Station
Roanoke Valley Vinton
Royal Oak Marion
Scotchtown Beaverdam
Shadwell Charlottesville
Shenandoah River Shenandoah
Spotsylvania Spotsylvania
Stone Bridge Sterling
Stuart-Wilderness Road Wytheville
Tabitha Adams Russell Lebanon
Thomas Lee Fairfax
Thomas Nelson Arlington
Virginia’s Old Carolina Road Rocky Mount
Washington-Lewis Fredericksburg
William Byrd Richmond
William Taylor Kenbridge
Williamsburg Williamsburg
By District
District I
Jane Amelon, District I Director
Adam Thoroughgood Virginia Beach
Charles Parish Poquoson
Chesapeake Chesapeake
Colonel William Allen Smithfield
Comte de Grasse Yorktown
Constantia Suffolk
Eastern Shore of Virginia Onancock
Fort Nelson Portsmouth
Four Flags St. Julien’s Creek Annex
Francis Land Virginia Beach
Great Bridge Norfolk
Hampton Hampton
Lynnhaven Parish Virginia Beach
Newport News-Warwick Newport News
Northampton County Cape Charles
Princess Anne County Virginia Beach
District II
Sandra Bergman, District II Director
Ann Wager Williamsburg
Augustine Warner Gloucester
Bermuda Hundred Chester
Chancellor Wythe Richmond
Chesterfield Courthouse Chesterfield
Cobbs Hall Lancaster
Colonel John Banister Petersburg
Commonwealth Richmond
Cricket Hill Mathews
Frances Bland Randolph Petersburg
Louisa Courthouse Louisa
Midlothian Mines Midlothian
Nathaniel Bacon Richmond
Old Dominion Richmond
Old St. John's Church West Point
Scotchtown Beaverdam
William Byrd Richmond
Williamsburg Williamsburg
District III
Janice Poole, District III Director
Amherst Amherst
Berryman Green South Boston
Blue Ridge Lynchburg
Colonel Charles Lynch Altavista
Dorothea Henry Danville
James River Lynchburg
Judith Randolph-Longwood Farmville
Lynchburg Lynchburg
Poplar Forest Lynchburg
William Taylor Kenbridge
District IV
Brenda Ward, District IV Director
Appalachian Trail Hillsville
Black’s Fort Abingdon
Carter’s Fort Gate City
Count Pulaski Pulaski
Fort Chiswell Bristol
Fort Maiden Spring Tazewell
Levisa River Grundy
Lovelady Pennington Gap
Major George Gibson Gibson Station
Royal Oak Marion
Stuart-Wilderness Road Wytheville
Tabitha Adams Russell Lebanon
District V
Nancy Hill, District V Director
Anna Maria Fitzhugh Springfield
Arlington House Arlington
Bill of Rights Woodbridge
Dr. Elisha Dick Alexandria
Falls Church Falls Church
George Mason West Springfield
Henry Clay Annandale
John Alexander Alexandria
Kate Waller Barrett Alexandria
Mount Vernon Alexandria
Nelly Custis Mount Vernon
Pentagon Arlington
Prince William Resolves Dale City
Providence Fairfax Station
Thomas Lee Fairfax
Thomas Nelson Arlington
District VI
Glynn Fraker, District VI Director
Albemarle Charlottesville
Augusta Parish Staunton
Beverley Manor Staunton
Colonel James Patton Waynesboro
Colonel Thomas Hughart Staunton
Jack Jouett Charlottesville
Massanutton Harrisonburg
Narrow Passage Woodstock
Natural Bridge Frontier Glasgow
Point of Fork Fork Union
Shadwell Charlottesville
Shenandoah River Shenandoah
District VII
Jeanne Dooley, District VII Director
Alleghany Blacksburg
Botetourt County Eagle Rock
Colonel Abram Penn Stuart
Colonel William Preston Roanoke
Craig Valley New Castle
Floyd Courthouse Floyd
Fort Lewis Salem
General James Breckinridge Roanoke
General Joseph Martin Martinsville
General William Campbell Radford
George Pearis Pearisburg
Nancy Christian Fleming Roanoke
Patrick Henry Martinsville
Peaks of Otter Bedford
Roanoke Valley Vinton
Virginia’s Old Carolina Road Rocky Mount
District VIII
Kim Scott, District VIII Director
Cameron Parish Reston
Elizabeth McIntosh Hammill Manassas
Elizabeth Monroe Reston
Fairfax County Vienna
Fort Loudoun Winchester
Freedom Hill McLean
Ketoctin Bluemont
Lane’s Mill Centreville
Maria Mitchell Vienna
Mary Hemings Bell Purcellville
Phillis Wheatley Haymarket
Stone Bridge Sterling
District IX
Sonja Johnson, District IX Director
Culpeper Minute Men Culpeper
Falls of the Rappahannock Falmouth
Fauquier Court House Warrenton
Henricopolis Tappahannock
Leedstown Resolutions King George
Mine Run Fredericksburg
Montpelier Madison
Overwharton Parish Stafford
Spotsylvania Spotsylvania
Washington-Lewis Fredericksburg