The Virginia DAR American Indians Committee educates DAR members with issues facing our American Indian Community. We celebrate the culture of our first Americans and ensure our support for educational programs through the Indian Youth Summer Camp, Chemawa Indian School, Bacone College and various scholarship opportunities for American Indian youth. Historic preservation of American Indian sites provides us an opportunity to celebrate our rich Virginia and national heritage, such as Werowocomoco, part of our newest U.S. National Park, Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, and home of the Powhatan Village near Gloucester.
Light the Fire in your chapters:
Support Bacone College in Muskogee, Oklahoma and Chemawa Indian School in Salem, Oregon. Their urgent needs can be met through direct donations, filling the critical needs/wants list located on the national committee web.
Encourage Land Acknowledgments: A formal statement that recognizes and respects Indigenous Peoples as traditional stewards of this land and the enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories. Delve into the history of your area and report back to the chapter via an inspirational Land Acknowledgement.
Support the Indian Youth Summer Camp Program which serves thousands of Indian youth from 203 tribes and 34 states. Donate through the American Indians Scholarship or the American Indians Fund.
Increase Virginia Indian applications for DAR scholarships. Publicize and promote American Indian scholarships. The American Indian Scholarship for $4,000 (more than one may be awarded each year) requires a 3.25 GPA and has a deadline of January 31. The Frances Crawford Marvin American Indian Scholarship (one awarded per year), with a 3.25 GPA requirement and a variable award sum determined annually by the return on the endowment, has a deadline of January 31. The application process is open beginning November 1. Application information is on the DAR Scholarship Committee website at General Scholarships, American Indians tab. DAR American Indian Scholarships are done entirely online at The Anne Trevarthen Memorial Scholarship is a one-time scholarship presented each April/May to a high school senior who will be attending the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg. The scholarship amount is based on the annual return of the DAR endowment and is administered by the college. Please make this scholarship information available to Native American youth in your area.
Learn about the culture of U.S. American Indians, as well as, the eleven Virginia State tribes. Join local tribes for their family POWWOWS which are not-to-miss inspirational events or take time to research and share interesting articles on the Virginia DAR Facebook group and with chapters.
Enliven your chapter meetings with an American Indian Minute each month. Celebrate November as “Native American Heritage Month” with a display or dance, or have the Mayor sign a Proclamation honoring our First Americans.
Provide program speakers and access interesting chapter programs: If you would like to be on the Speakers List for American Indian topics, please contact us at The goal is to provide digital and electronic programs for chapters on the Virginia DAR website, and flyers that chapters can individualize. Please begin this year by sharing the National Chair’s program on “Bacone College: A Place of Value and Opportunity” on YouTube and the DAR American Indians Committee website. Make a difference and help us shape the future.
Recognize and thank chapter members. Your emails, newsletters, and CMR highlights were the centerpiece of the Eastern Division report. Thank you, Chapter Regents and Virginia Daughters! You are making a difference, and your amazing work is inspirational. The Chapter Master Report (CMR) is a key means to highlight the support, contributions, special events, activities, hardworking members, and donations the chapter or members provide. Please continue to complete the CMR and share all the fun activities and culturally rich experiences and projects members accomplish. This Chair would love to hear about your projects and share your photos.
Together we will make a difference for American Indians and they in turn will enrich our lives.
Contact State Chair, Joanne D. Faulkner, or State Vice Chair, Allison Hoopes, for more information.