Constitution Week



The purpose of the Constitution Week Committee is to encourage study and educate the public about the Constitution which was adopted by the American Congress of the Confederation on September 17, 1787.


Enlighten and Enliven your Chapter Membership

Celebrate the Constitution Throughout the Year!

  • Encourage members to read the Constitution. Provide each new chapter member with a pocket-sized Constitution booklet. Available at the DAR Store.

  • Use “Constitution Facts & Short Stories” or “Constitution Minutes” at each chapter meeting or in your chapter newsletters.

  • Recite the Preamble at every chapter meeting.

  • Present programs on historical events surrounding the establishment of the Constitution and the men who framed the document, the 66th anniversary of the first resolution by the U.S. Congress to observe Constitution Week, the 234th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution, and the 230th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights.

  • Encourage the artist in your chapter to enter the Constitution Week Poster Contest. The winning poster will be printed in the spring and offered for sale at the DAR store. The National Society determines the rules, criteria and guidelines. Please read the instructions carefully. Deadline: Entries must be received by your state chair on or before January 15.

  • Compile and enter your chapter Constitution Week Scrapbook in the state contest. A great way to showcase your chapter’s Constitution Week activities. Even though the Constitution Week scrapbook is a state contest, the National Society determines the rules, criteria and guidelines. Please read the instructions carefully. (A requirement often overlooked is that entries with inadequate return postage will not be judged or returned.) Deadline: Entries must be postmarked to state chair by February 1.

  • Partner with other chapter committees to promote the Constitution in your community: American History, The Flag of the United States of America, Americanism, Community Classroom, Junior American Citizens.

  • Join the closed Facebook group: “DAR Constitution Week.”

Engage your Community

Did you know?

In a recent study, 86% of Americans say they are interested in learning more about the Constitution.

What an opportunity this is for us to teach all citizens, especially youth and newly naturalized citizens, about our founding documents and inspire our communities to protect and defend the Constitution.

  • Encourage participation in “Bells Across America” by ringing bells at 4 p.m. on September 17th. Contact local churches, fire stations, veterans’ facilities, friends, neighbors, adult day care facilities, classrooms, home-schooled students. With social distancing, consider organizing a neighborhood car parade with one family per car, touring the neighborhood and ringing their bells on September 17th at 4 p.m.

  • Place Constitution Week displays (with permission) at local libraries, churches, courthouses, restaurants, gyms, gas stations, veterans’ facilities, schools, museums, banks, doctors’ offices, antique malls, and farmer’s markets.

  • The displays do not need to be large: How about a small poster at gas stations or supermarkets? Or small table cards at restaurants?

  • Obtain a Constitution Week Proclamation from mayors, county administrators, school officials, and local representatives.

  • Did you know the website has media spot announcements already written for your convenience for radio, television, schools, church bulletins and newspapers?

  • Remember the younger members of our communities. Adopt a classroom and provide an age appropriate Constitution Week Kit for each child using inexpensive and easily obtainable items. Consider a red/white/blue theme. The kit may include a small U.S. Flag, U.S. Flag lapel pin, pen, coloring pages, colored pencils, puzzles, Preamble bookmark, printable bookmarks on the Constitution Week webpage, key ring, pocket-sized Constitution booklet, small handbell, Proclamation form for students.

  • Create Constitution Week Flyer - With cooperation from local business owners, have restaurants staple a flyer to take-out orders, tape flyer to pizza box, food banks afix flyer to bags, vendors at farmers markets attach flyer to produce bags, and local mail order businesses insert a flyer in their packages. If a park permits, print the flyer on one side and the park trails on the other.

  • Write a Constitution Week News Article for local newspaper and museum, historical and genealogical societies.

Contact State Chair Natalie Ardoline for more information.