The Historic Preservation Committee encourages chapters and state societies to actively participate in historic preservation to preserve the past, recognize individuals or groups who voluntarily participate in historic preservation to enhance the present, and assist the National Society in cataloging all NSDAR-owned properties to invest in the future. To help further the aims of the committee the following awards and projects are available.
2023 Historic Preservation Committee Flyer
Historic Preservation Project Contest
The purpose of the Historic Preservation Project Contest is to recognize chapters and state societies who have completed an outstanding project in historic preservation which involves preserving a historic site, landmark, historic district or property which may be DAR owned, publicly owned or privately owned. The project must be sponsored by a NSDAR chapter or a state society and have been completed in the last two years. The deadline is January 15 to state chairman.
Historic Preservation Medal
The purpose of the prestigious Historic Preservation Medal is to honor a person who has done extraordinary work over a long period of time in establishing a historic district, preserving a local landmark, restoring or preserving objects of historic cultural significance, or establishing or participating in oral history projects, youth leadership and education, as it pertains to historic preservation, at the regional, state, and/or national level.
Historic Preservation Recognition Award
The Historic Preservation Recognition Award is available for DAR members and non-members and is designed to recognize worthy local individuals and groups for outstanding achievements in all areas of historic preservation, including buildings; landmarks; monuments; cemeteries; historic districts; statues; manuscripts; documents; archival materials; writing or compiling and publication of books on historic preservation projects, historical properties, genealogical and court house records; photographic collections; compiling of oral histories; serving as historic guides, interpreters or docents; museum collections. The recipient/recipients are expected to have contributed to their community in an outstanding volunteer manner.
Excellence in Historic Preservation Certificate
Excellence in Historic Preservation Certificate recognizes outstanding individuals and organizations that promote historic preservation in myriad ways, the VanBuren Administration has created the new NSDAR Excellence in Historic Preservation Certificate. The recognition honors individuals in groups that have saved and/or preserved their local history, including restoration of buildings, collections, significant objects, monuments, cemeteries, and other important artifacts. It may be presented to a group or business that rescues a historic structure in order to establish it as its headquarters It may be presented to DAR members and non-members by chapters and state societies, and it does not require any formal application/approval. It is a non-competitive recognition that has no deadline. The Chapter or State Regent wishing to present the certificate may purchase the NSDAR Excellence in Historic Preservation Certificate and its companion medal from the DAR Store.
Historic Sites and Property Preservation
Historic Sites and Property Preservation is committed to cataloging all NSDAR owned or maintained sites and properties and determining the condition and tourism availability of each. These properties may include cemeteries, landmarks, forests, buildings, rooms and other sites. Location, funding, historical significance, historical designations, and promotional material availability information are all needed for each property. A one-time report is requested.
Click here for all historic preservation committee forms.
Contact vice chair Shawn Beyer for more information.
Virginia DAR Historic Preservation State Project
The Virginia DAR Historic Preservation State Project is the transcription of school census records from every jurisdiction in Virginia from 1870 to 1910. The information in these records can serve as a substitute for the 1890 U.S. Federal Census.
DAR Historic Preservation Grants
DAR Historic Preservation Grants (known formerly as the DAR Special Project Grants), refocus the former Special Projects Grants exclusively on Historic Preservation, a key part of our mission.
If your chapter has a local community historic preservation project that you would like to support, this is an opportunity to raise local awareness of NSDAR, its mission, and its support of community projects while attracting local women who are also interested in the mission areas of DAR to membership in your chapter.
DAR Historic Preservation Grants can support projects like:
Restoration of historic buildings
Digitization or preservation of documents and records
Preservation of historical items
Erection, rededication or relocation of historical site markers
Cemetery headstone and monument conservation
DAR encourages applications under $2,000 and each entity may receive one grant within this DAR National administration. There is plenty of opportunity for a project in your community since the national society will provide $250,000 in DAR Historic Preservation Grants annually across the nation. Larger projects are eligible for a maximum of $10,000. If you need help writing your grant or you are an experienced grant writer who would be willing to volunteer with this committee to help a chapter who requests assistance writing for a grant, please email the Sandra Gallagher.
The DAR Historic Preservation Grants applications must be entered online by December 31, 2023. Successful grant applications will be announced May 1, 2024. See the Virginia Information Packet for current information and the application and instructions link preceding this paragraph. To apply for a grant at the state level, consider applying for a Starburst Grant!
Contact State Chair Angelica Stephens or State Vice Chair Shawn Beyer or State Vice Chair for DAR Historic Preservation Grants Sandra Gallagher for more information.