This might sound dramatic, but every day that passes, acid is causing destruction and loss of these old, old records; some of the oldest in America!
We look for fragile court records of the Revolutionary period. None of us would even be IN DAR if not for these old, official court records. Will books, deed books, birth and death records, military records; there are so many and a limited amount of time to save them!
Alert us with records that you know are in danger.
Regents: Your chapters and especially individual chapter members can make a huge difference in the restoration and preservation of these documents by contributing to this committee's work. $5.00 is the minimum for a chapter to make Honor Roll, but more is needed! Checks should be written and sent to the Virginia DAR State Treasurer Pamela Meiring.
Make the greatest impact with the least amount of time; think of P.O.R.!
Your money pays for professionals to remove the acidity, preserve the pages and cover the old pages with a sleeve that allows repeated use without the destructive effects. The photos shown here illustrate this professional work.
Ladies, donate money and rescue our records! The ancestor record you save may be your own.
Contact State Chair Sue Maglin for more information.