As women, we are so often juggling multiple demands of life, both in good times and in bad. As members of the Virginia Daughters of the American Revolution, we have a platform to help each other achieve common goals in our communities while furthering our careers and supporting our families.
The theme for Women’s Issues in the Wright Administration is ‘Celebrating and Caring for Women’! Many of us help support our elderly parents at the same time we care for our children. Many of us have spouses deployed or are deployed in military service themselves. Some of us face financial stress in these uncertain times. Some are just starting out in school or in their careers. Many of us face physical or mental health challenges within our families. The Women’s Issues Committee serves as a tool to help members continue to promote DAR service while facing these challenges.
The Women’s Issues Committee Page has multiple links to help chapters plan programs and Service Projects on family, career, personal health, mental health, personal finance and senior advocacy. There are Women’s Issues Chapter Minutes, which can be easily downloaded to assist your chapters.
Monthly themes on Women’s Issues may be useful to help guide programs, projects, and newsletter submissions for chapters.
The annual Women’s Issues Celebrations Essay Contest is an opportunity for all members to write about their experiences in ‘Celebrating and Caring for Women!’ Rules and entry forms are on the NSDAR Women’s Issues Committee website. Be sure to check out the Health and Family Caring Campaign, and the Women’s Issues Connection Coach –a tool for mentoring.
Vivian’s Outreach to Women is a grant program funded by a generous DAR member to fund established 501(c)(3) organizations supporting homeless women, particularly female veterans. Chapters wishing to apply for this grant can find rules and applications on the Women’s Issues NSDAR page.
The Women’s Issues Committee DAR Facebook Page is a great tool for chapters and members to find ways to help each other Celebrate and Care for Women!
Contact State Chair Mary E. Cutting, MD for more information.